Photo Competition Winner

Congratulations to Ailbhe Hartnett, a well deserved winner for the photo competition! We were blown away by the beautiful colours in this photo. Well done to all the entrants, it was not easy to choose a winner. We are looking forward to running this competition again.      

TY Water Safety Demonstration

Our TY students were very lucky to be given a full water safety demonstration earlier this week with Donnacha and Alex from Corrib Safari. Our students learnt how to avoid the most common causes of drowning and what to do in an emergency. .                  

Seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lán seoil anois!

A Chairde, Tá seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lán seoil anois! Idir anois agus an 17ú de Mhárta beidh Coláiste na Toirbhirte ag glacadh páirte sa cheiliúradh speisialta seo ar an nGaeilge. Seo a leanas cuid de na himeachtaí a bheidh ag tarlú timpeall na scoile an tseachtain seo: Postaeir le feiceáil timpeall na háite le nathanna Gaeilge / […]

Photography Competition Entries

Some of the entries to our photography competition being run by Ms Tighe. There’s definitely a few budding photographers among our students!

Transition years and Bodhran Making!

TYs had a fantastic workshop making Bódhrans with Michael Vignoles. The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands on carving, sanding and shaping of their instruments. They topped it off with some personalised designs and a lesson. Hands on, tactile, busy, independent and personalised, and they get a physical and memorable token coming away. A fantastic event […]

Save the Date!

 Our Parents Association are holding a Table Quiz on Friday March 7th in The Anglers Rest, Headford. Registration at 7pm, Tables are limited. Raffle and spot prizes on the night. Best of luck! All donations greatly received! If Parents would like to donate raffle prizes for the table quiz on Friday March 7th they can be left at the […]

Study Skills Series available at Galway Education Support Centre.

This series is facilitated by Kieran Sweeney, an accredited Post Primary based coach with experience as an AP1, Deputy Principal, Principal and previous Director of the Limerick Education Centre. He is a qualified and certified leadership coach. He is a trained and approved competency based interview chairperson with the JMB.      

Past Pupils Reunion (1969-1974)

On Friday, February 7th, a memorable Past Pupils Reunion for the classes of 1969-1974 took place at our school. The evening was filled with warmth and nostalgia as former students walked through the familiar corridors, revisiting treasured memories and reconnecting with old friends. The highlight of the evening was a visit to the Garden of Remembrance, where many […]

‘A Meitheal for Molly’

This beautiful film by Búlabosca documents the Headford Lace Projects 2024 Creative Ireland Project ‘A Meitheal for Molly’ As part of the Something in The Water Festival, over 200 members of Headford community took to the stage to showcase their various interpretations of the historical harp tune, ‘Mollaí San Seoirse’ (Molly St George). The song […]