L-R Dáire Hanrahan 2nd yr, Eve Kennedy 2nd yr, Ava Brennan 2nd yr, Alva Mullin, Angie O’Neill 3rd yr, Freya Philips 1st yr, Gearóid Halleran, 2nd yr.
We wish our seven daring young scientists the very best of luck as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime tomorrow at the BT Young Scientists Exhibition in the RDS. They will showcase 4 very exciting projects between them with such varied themes as: how old laptop batteries can provide energy in a brown out, A wearable device that can greatly improve the quality of life & mobility of visually impaired people, the use of fish waste products to create plastic, & the detection of micrometeorites in our local environment which can explain the formation of galaxies, using a flatbed scanner!
This is a very proud occasion for PCH; 7 students, 4 projects and all the students involved are in Junior Cycle!
The very best of luck to the seven students and their very dedicated teachers, Mr Toner & Ms Halleran.
Please stay tuned to our social media sites for updates on PCH stands in the BTYSE! The students will be profiled in this week’s Tuam Herald, available on Thursday.