Dear Parents/Guardians

Please see below a letter from the HSE regarding significant levels of Flu, Respiratory Illnesses and Covid and advice regarding same.

We have received a small number of queries/concerns from parents regarding students being allowed to wear jackets in class. Students are permitted to wear their uniform jacket (plain navy unbranded jacket or school crested jacket) in class . Exceptions to this are some practical classes where for health & safety reasons it is not permitted. If your son/daughter needs another layer during these winter months may we suggest a plain navy unbranded gilet worn under the school jacket, which many of our students are already wearing. Other students find ‘skins’ or long sleeved thermal t-shirts under their uniform tops very practical.

Jackets which do not comply with our uniform code will be confiscated and we appreciate your cooperation as parents and partners in education in maintaining the code of behaviour each student signed up to when they enrolled in PCH. May we take this opportunity to commend the vast majority of our wonderful students who wear their PCH uniform with pride

Yours in education,

Orla Jackson           David Dempsey              Seán Conlon

Acting Principal     Deputy Principal           Acting Deputy Principal