A Chairde,
Tá seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lán seoil anois! Idir anois agus an 17ú de Mhárta beidh Coláiste na Toirbhirte ag glacadh páirte sa cheiliúradh speisialta seo ar an nGaeilge.
Seo a leanas cuid de na himeachtaí a bheidh ag tarlú timpeall na scoile an tseachtain seo:
- Postaeir le feiceáil timpeall na háite le nathanna Gaeilge / seanfhocail.
- Scannáin á thaispeáint sna ranganna Gaeilge.
- Tráth na gceist
- Seanfhocail le cloisteáil ar an t-idirchum
- Bain níos mó úsáide as an nGaeilge le linn na féile: sa bhaile, le do chairde, ar an nguthán, i do ríomhphoist agus poist ar na meáin shóisialta – bíonn acmhainní ar fáil le cuidiú leat ar snag.ie/acmhainni
- Beidh cúpla port agus amhráin le cloisteáil ón seomra ceoil.
The following are just some of the activities undertaken:
- The school is decorated with symbols of our Irish heritage and traditions for this week – posters etc.
- Traditional music can be heard in the music room.
- In class, pupils are encouraged and rewarded with ‘Gaeilgeoir na Seactaine’ in recognition of any valiant effort to use their ‘cupla focail’ during the day, or even outside in the playground. A draw will take place on the final day, with many prizes to be won.
- Teachers will endeavour to incorporate many aspects of our culture in their lesson content this week.
- Coffee morning on Thursday.
- The whole week culminates with Lá Gaelach on Friday 14th March. Pupils and teachers are encouraged to come to school dressed in our national colours (green jumper, uniform trousers for students). It will be a fun-filled day.
Go raibh míle maith agaibh,
Roinn na Gaeilge.