Shane Martin C.Psychol.Ps.S.I.

Shane has kindly agreed to give a motivational talk to our Leaving Certificate class via zoom on Monday January 23rd at a rock bottom price of €3 per student. This talk is designed to motivate and support our students as they face into their Mock Examinations.

About Shane

Chartered Psychologist of the Psychological Society of Ireland

Shane Martin is a psychologist dedicated to teaching the very best evidence-based psychology to help people protect their mental health and enhance the quality of their lives.

Shane has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences on a range of topics around wellbeing, positive mental health, recovery and happiness. A leader within the area of education, he has visited hundreds of educational institutions nationwide working with management teams, teachers/lecturers, students and parents. In February 2017 Shane addressed the Oireachtas (Irish parliament) Joint Committee on Education and Skills on the important topic of Positive Mental Health in Schools. His focus was on how schools can cultivate a culture of resilience. As a former teacher he promotes  realistic evidence-based interventions that can foster better mental health within whole school communities.  He has been engaged by the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), the Irish Primary Principals’ Network and the Centre for School Leadership. He has been a guest lecturer at a number of universities in Ireland.


Theme of the Talk for Leaving Certificate Students

Rising to Challenges – Strategies for greater resilience  (for final year students)

Final year students always had a lot to deal with. It is a pressurising time for them as they seek to do themselves justice in key exams. The added uncertainty and upheaval associated with Covid-19 adds further to their stress levels. They need to manage the pressure and stay mentally strong.

In this special seminar, Shane sets the examinations in proper context. We will always face challenges in life and exams are only one of many challenges that lie ahead. It makes sense to learn how to cope with stress  and manage pressure.

Shane will highlight scientifically validated strategies for being more resilient and growing stronger during challenging times.

Cost €3 per student- this talk will take place during the school day- further details to follow