On the 29th of March, carrying water containers filled from the Cong River, 60 students began one of the most educational walks of their lives.

Walk for Water, an annual event celebrating the value of fresh water in our lives, proved to be an eye opener for our students and the students of Presentation College Tuam.

Irish Water and Green Schools teamed up to raise awareness of the 2.2 billion people around the world living without access to safe drinking water and hosted walks across the country, including one in the Cong Woods.

With heavy bags on their backs, they carried 5 litres of water in recycled cartons for 5 km through the woods.

“It was such an educational event the students said but they found the walk tiring. The teachers reminded them that in some countries people have to walk much longer distances, maybe twice a day in scorching heat for water.

The walk reminded us all of the importance of access to clean water and how we should be working together to protect and conserve such a precious resource

The Walk for Water is a creative way for the students to understand that clean water is a precious resource and that we all need to take action to conserve it.”

The Climate Action Programme is run as part of the Erasmus Programme where the two schools are part of the Galway Education Centre Consortium.
Thanks to the teachers involved
Ms. Burke, Ms. Creaven, Ms. Walsh & Ms Flanagan